The City of Pinole is proposing to replace the existing San Pablo Avenue Bridge over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad utilizing Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) Highway Bridge Program (HBP). The existing San Pablo Avenue Bridge is located along San Pablo Avenue, near the Pinole-Hercules city limit, in Contra Costa County. Both the bridge and roadway will remain in their general existing footprint and elevation with some widening to occur to accommodate proposed bicycle and pedestrian improvements. During construction, a temporary two-lane road and bridge will detour traffic to the northwest of the existing bridge. Site constraints include the BNSF railroad, wetlands, existing utilities, and historic resources.
Panorama is preparing technical studies to support a NEPA Categorical Exclusion and an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) under CEQA. Technical studies include a Natural Environment Study (Minimal Impact), Water Quality, Noise, Traffic, and Visual Resources Technical Memorandums, and Cultural Resources documentation.