Sonoma County Department of Transportation and Public Works has proposed to replace the narrow Freestone Flat Road bridge in rural Sonoma County. Freestone Flat Road is the road that provides access for residents who live on Freestone Flat Road north of Salmon Creek. Salmon Creek is known to support steelhead and is designated Essential Fish Habitat for steelhead and Coho salmon. Salmon Creek may also provide habitat for California red-legged frog and California freshwater shrimp. Bridge replacement involves roadway and utility realignment, impacts to riparian vegetation, and removal of more than 30 mature trees.
Panorama prepared technical reports to support a NEPA Categorical Exclusion and an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration under CEQA. Technical studies included a Natural Environment Study and Water Quality Technical Report. Panorama also prepared a Biological Assessment to support Caltrans’ Section 7 consultation with United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NNMFS). Panorama will assist the County with obtaining permits from California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board). Panorama is also managing preparation of a Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan to restore temporary impacts to riparian habitat and mitigate for habitat that would be permanently impacted by construction of the new bridge in an alignment adjacent to the existing bridge.