Tali Ashurov joins the Panorama Environmental Team!!!


We are delighted to announce that Tali Ashurov recently joined the Panorama team as a Project Manager and Environmental Planner.

Tali brings 4 years of experience as an environmental planner and project manager. In her work, Tali has prepared Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declarations (IS/MND), Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), and other environmental documents for an array of mixed-use, residential, institutional, transportation, recreation, and infrastructure projects per the requirements of CEQA and NEPA.

Tali also has experience with crucial administrative tasks, such as tracking and maintaining budgets, client relationships, technical expert management, and workload projections. Tali is especially effective in achieving deadlines by meeting deliverable targets with efficient workload management.

Tali has taken on project management for several projects that involved review of the designs for environmental constraints, coordination of multiple technical studies and deliverables, preparation of the CEQA and NEPA documents, direct coordination with the client and agencies, and performance of all administrative tasks associated with managing the schedule and budget. 

To learn more about how Tali and the rest of our team of experts can help you achieve your business goals – Contact Us Today

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